What Is Needed from Leaders at This Time?




August 20, 2020

Margot & Monique
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Holding open hearts and open minds we are called to ask ourselves - What is needed from leaders at this time?

As we sit here writing this from our separate home offices in Melbourne, Australia, we find ourselves in stage 4 restrictions as we all do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19. For many of us, our homes have become the space in which we work, learn, rest, exercise, nurture, connect, celebrate and recharge.

For those of us delivering vital work on the front line our deepest gratitude goes to you.

Never before have our lives been so interdependent on others, nor has the opportunity to have an impact on others been so available. The question is are we aware of our impact and is the impact we are having the impact we want to have?

As leaders, this moment provides an opportunity to deepen our impact, facilitate people coming together to intentionally grow and not simply wait to ride this out. We have an unprecedented opportunity, dare we say a deep need, to support ourselves and others to be purposeful, aligned and connected, even whilst the world around is filled with uncertainty.

In our recent dealings with clients, colleagues, family and friends, we have asked and been asked many questions…”How we are going to find a way out of this? How can we adapt? What are the risks? What are the opportunities? What is the silver lining?" Some of these conversations were filled with optimism, others with pain and despair, and many with a bit of both.

Throughout these discussions we’ve noticed that some people were overwhelmed or consumed by the pain and challenges within and around them, whilst others were able to relate to the pain and challenges and maintain a sense of hope and gratitude. As we looked deeper and reflected on what was enabling the second state of being we found four recurring patterns:

  • In various forms, they all embrace inner stillness, mindfulness and contemplative practices – i.e. exercising, meditating, journaling and praying.
  • They seem to live with a strong sense of alignment to something that is very core to them – a role, a cause, a spiritual believe, a hobby, etc.;
  • They feel connected and have a strong sense of belonging to a network of support – often being supported by and supportive of others;
  • They also have a good degree of self-awareness, self-regulation and self-compassion – consciously making choices that balance their needs and the needs of others.

Diving Deeper…  

What feels most purposeful for you right now in your life?

Who offers you a sense of deep connection?

If no one, what could be a first step to build that sense of connection?

How often do you stop to reflect on your reactions, choices and impact?

So how do we develop and harness our personal leadership through these times?

“Personal leadership: the ability to exercise conscious choices through an ongoing process of self-discovery, self-awareness and understanding of the impact we have on others.“

We truly believe that Personal Leadership is one of the most important, and often misused, component of leadership growth. When we build our Personal Leadership, we enhance our ability to understand what pushes our buttons; what motives us; what are the helpful and unhelpful behaviours, beliefs and assumptions we typically resort to, and we become better equipped to consciously choose, change and adapt our impact. Under pressure each of us resort to different coping strategies, which is absolutely part of being human. Knowing what these strategies are and when to use them, withhold them or change them in a way that benefits us and others is so empowering. Think of it as a process that enables you to “have your strategies” instead of “your reactions having you”.    

Reflection Moment…  

What is currently putting you most under pressure?

How are you responding or reacting?

How are your responses and reactions impacting the people around you?

What could/will you do differently?

A world of Purposeful, Connected and Conscious Leaders…

Our vision is for a world jam-packed with Purposeful, Connected and Conscious Leaders. Leaders who see Leadership as verb and not a job title. Leaders who are enabled and encouraged beyond any role of authority.  Leaders who hold a bigger purpose in mind and have a positive impact beyond their immediate needs and responsibilities. Leaders who enable things to happen, involving, mobilising and empowering others in a strategic, considered and compassionate way. Leaders who are deeply connected to what they do and why they do it, and are therefore able to articulate the meaning and reason behind a call for action. Leaders who are self-aware and committed to personal growth, knowing in their hearts that vulnerability and courage are related.

Is this world achievable? Maybe not in our lifetime, but we are encouraged by the change that is already happening. We chose to believe that enabling the rise of Purposeful, Connected and Conscious leaders from all walks and at many levels is an important priority and feel called to do our bit.

And we invite you to join us on this journey, to borrow Jacqueline Novogratz’s words; “(having) the humility to see the world as it is and the audacity to imagine what it could be.”  

Take away reflection…                                                                    Deepak Chopra says, “What you pay attention to, grows.”

As you navigate these times, what have you been paying attention to?

What impact is this noticing having on you?  

Through and beyond these unique times how would you like to be remembered by the people that matter most to you?