Team Effectiveness

An effective team doesn’t just happen. Team leaders and team members need to invest time and energy to build and cultivate an effective team. The good news is, building awesome teams is very doable, just not a one-off exercise.
Ikigai Leading partners with organisations and leadership teams through programs, workshops and retreats to build awareness and strengthen their ability to together cultivate team effectiveness through Clarity, Trust and Impact.

Ready to build your team effectiveness?

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Harnessing the power of team led effectiveness

Leveraging our Ikigai Leading Team Effectiveness Model, our Team Effectiveness services facilitate the collective assessment, prioritisation and development of the three critical building blocks for team effectiveness.

Assessing Team Effectiveness

Facilitating teams’ identification of strengths and gaps in their team effectiveness through guided conversations or surveys.

Planning and Prioritising Team Effectiveness

Helping teams sequence, prioritise and plan their efforts towards team effectiveness.

Building Team Effectiveness

Supporting leaders and their teams to engage on their ongoing journey of building team effectiveness.

Ikigai Leading Team Effectiveness Model

The 3 key factors that can have a significant impact on a team’s success are Clarity,Trust and Impact.

Clarity – Team members with clarity on individual and shared goals, as well as their roles and responsibilities tend to be more aligned and perform more effectively as a team.

Trust - Effective teams build a culture of trust. Trust is cultivated when a team takes the time to get to know each other, build relationships and establish agreed ways of working together.

Impact - Effective teams have clear ways of understanding the impact of their work, measuring and monitoring their success, engaging and communicating with stakeholders and adjusting and adapting their work.

Customer Stories for Team Effectiveness

Jennifer Rebeiro

Chief Transformation Officer
Greater Western Water

"I love working with Ikigai Leading because of their authenticity and ability to join us where we are at, with the absolute respect and the firmness to take the team and I to where we need to be.  I would recommend Ikigai to anyone who is committed to working with their team to make a difference.”

Tania Rose

Corporate Services Director

“Margot worked with the executive team to ensure the outcomes of our sessions would be as needed and held the space so skilfully for all to challenge and be challenged. Margot’s style is to build trust, to allow the challenges and opportunities to surface.”